Revamping your bedroom doesn’t have to be a daunting and expensive project. You’ll be surprised how a few simple changes can have a big impact on your bedroom’s design. Read on to see how you can freshen up your room.

Accent Wall Color

Paint a pop of color to your wall to liven up your space. Use the wall color as a guide when choosing accessories like a rug, mirror and wall hangings.

New Bedding

The bed is usually the largest piece of furniture in a room. Switching up your comforter and sheets will give your bedroom a whole new motif. Try a fun print, play around with different colors and materials. At Qbedding, we have a wide selection of quality and affordable bedding to choose from.

Add Some Greenery

Let’s face it, who isn’t obsessed with plants right now? Plants are not only beautiful to look at, they also act as a natural air filter. Online plant stores like The Sill, make it easy to discover the perfect potted plant that fits your lifestyle. The greenery and earth tones from plants will breathe new life into your bedroom’s design.

Rearrange It

Change up the layout of your room by moving around your larger pieces of furniture. Move your dresser to the other side of the room. You might even reveal some much-needed floor space.

Update Your Lighting

Swap out your plain lamp shade for a funky print or bold color to change up your room's aesthetic. Bonus: Add string lights to your headboard for a more romantic feel.