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Size: Twin/Twin-XL



面料:65% 全棉, 35% 聚酯纤维

填充:100% 澳洲羊毛  了解更多

填充克重: 300 GSM




  • 柔软厚实的羊绒不但保暖贴身更有恒温恒湿的功效,特别适合睡眠时易流汗的孩童及怕冷的老年人。
  • 全棉面料经过世界权威纺织品认证机构 Oeko-Tex 的Standard 100 测试,不含任何对人体有害物质,是您可以安心使用的 “信心纺织品“
  • 经国际羊毛局认证,表示制品含有100%纯净的高品质羊毛
  • 每平方含300 克填充,为Qbedding目前克重最高的动物纤维填充被芯
  • 被芯侧边带有开口,可直接看到内里带金黄光泽的柔软羊绒


  • 天然环保:  羊毛属于天然的动物蛋白纤维,和人体头发结构相似,并且会自然生长,剪完还会长,属于可再生的环保资源。
  • 恒温:无论严寒酷暑还是春暖秋凉,羊毛做为羊身上唯一的屏障,能保护羊适应外界各种恶劣的自然坏境。从生物进化论上来说,人和羊是近亲,同属于气温恒定的哺乳动物。羊毛的恒温点是摄氏32.7度左右,这跟人熟睡时身体表面的温度是一样的,因此羊毛被能帮助调整被窝到最舒适的温度,帮助快速入眠。
  • 恒湿 :因为羊毛长在羊身上的时候,除了保暖外,还承担着羊皮肤的保护作用,无论是在干燥的秋天还是在潮湿的夏天,都要保持合适的湿度。人一晚上大约消耗流失300-500ml水分。如果没有选择能够恒温恒湿的床品,势必会影响深度睡眠。然而羊毛还具有良好的恒湿特性,羊毛纤维弹性强、卷曲度高,吸湿性较好,公定回潮率15~17%。 极限吸湿率可达40%而不感到潮湿,吸湿性比棉好。
  • 安全阻燃 :羊毛和人的头发一样,是蛋白纤维,不会引起燃烧,安全又舒适,这也被常常用来检验羊毛被的填充是否是羊毛。
  • 保暖服贴:羊毛纤维纤细弯曲度跟垂坠度极佳,加上加厚填充的重量,可根据人体形状服贴的盖在身上,不漏风,保暖度更佳



  • 儿童 :孩子的新陈代谢好,体温比成人高,对冷热的调节能力较差,更容易在睡眠时大汗淋漓,盖著排湿性不佳的被子更容易著凉。羊毛被的恒湿排湿性能都比其他纤维更佳
  • 同床夫妻:男女体温不同,对冷热要求也不同,羊毛被恒温32.7度,是最容易入睡的被窝温度。
  • 老年人:天气潮湿的时候好发于老年人的风湿性关节炎对原本就不易入眠的老年人是极大的折磨。新陈代谢降低的同时,更容易感觉寒冷,因此一条排湿保暖的被芯更可以让老年人好好的休息。




We offer FREE 2-5 day standard shipping on orders $99 and over (excluding taxes). 

A $5 shipping fee will be applied to all orders below $99. 

Shipping limits to orders in 48 contiguous states of U.S. (excluding Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico)  

All orders will be processed within 24 business hours and shipped out. 

Learn more.



If, for any reason you are unsatisfied with this product during the 15-night trial period, returns are on us. After that, our regular return policy applies.

Your satisfaction is our guarantee at Qbedding. If, for any reason you are not satisfied with the products purchased, you may return your purchases within 30 days upon receiving the order, Please keep in mind that shipping and handling fees are nonrefundable. Also, please note that we are unable to provide free return shipping for any other reasons than your items being damaged or incorrect. However, do not hesitate to use any shipping carrier of your choice. If you would like to purchase a shipping label from us, please feel free to contact us. Learn more.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the material, please check Compare Our Fabrics for your reference.

Size & Dimension

Twin / Twin-XL: 66"W x 86"L (168cm x 218cm)  

200 x 230: 80"W x 90"L (200cm x 230cm)

Full / Queen: 88"W x 96"L (224cm x 244cm)  11.20lbs

King / Cal-King: 106"W x 96"L (269cm x 244cm)  13.05 lbs

Care Instruction

To help your duvet last long, be sure to follow the steps below:
Daily Protection
Please do not wash the duvet inserts, we still highly recommend using a duvet cover and routinely wash the duvet cover instead of washing the entire duvet.
Fold your comforter neatly and place it in a waterproof bag. Make sure it is airtight.
Only place your comforter in a dry and cool location.

【Premium Quality】

Introducing our top of the line 100% fine sheep wool duvet for all season use. Enjoy a luxurious sleep experience.

【Sleep with Confidence】

Introducing our top of the line 100% fine sheep wool duvet for all season use. OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Certified. (Certificate Number: 15.HCN.66088 Hohenstein HTTI)

【Natural Material】

100% natural premium Australian wool filling, odorless, no noise.

【Made to Last】

300 GSM filling weight - Feel the perfect weight of this duvet. Makes sleeping more comfortable than ever.

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